Breathing pattern in sick people



All available western medical evidence indicates that mildly, not critically, sick people breathe 24/7 about 2-3 times more air than the physiological norms (which is 6 liters per minute). Consider this table with western respiratory data…

All available western medical evidence indicates that mildly, not critically, sick people breathe 24/7 about 2-3 times more air than the physiological norms (which is 6 liters per minute). Consider this table with western respiratory data:


Minute ventilation

(± standard deviation)

Number of patients


Heart disease

15 (±4) l/min


Dimopoulou et al, 2001

Heart disease

16 (±2) l/min


Johnson et al, 2000

Heart disease

12.2 (±3.3) l/min


Fanfulla et al, 1998

Heart disease

14 (±4) l/min


Clark et al, 1995


12-17 l/min


Bottini et al, 2003


10-20 l/min


Tantucci et al, 1997


15 l/min


Johnson et al, 1995


14.1 (±5.7) l/min


Bowler et al, 1998


12 l/min


McFadden & Lyons, 1968


12.2 (±1.9) l/min


Sinderby et al, 2001

Liver cirrhosis

11-18 l/min


Epstein et al, 1998


14.9 (±0.6) l/min


Kahaly, 1998

Cystic fibrosis

13 (±1.8) l/min


Bell et al, 1996

Cystic fibrosis

11-14 l/min


Tepper et al, 1983

Stop Epilepsy Seizures Naturally

12.8 l/min


Esquivel et al, 1991

Table 1.1 Minute ventilation of patients with different health problems.
(from the book: Normal breathing: the key to vital health by Dr. Artour Rakhimov

Note that none of these or other studies showed or proved that there are sick people with these and many other conditions who breathe normally. All these people breathe too much.

If you observe the breathing of sick people, you will notice that their breathing is usually visible (likely chest and belly movements) and audible (possible panting, wheezing, sighing, yawning, sneezing, coughing, deep inhalations or exhalations). The mouth may be open. Most sick people have serous visible problems with breathing including mouth breathing (do you have dry mouth in the morning?) and chest breathing instead of diaphragmatic breathing (Learn diaphragmatic breathing 24/7.).

For sick people, the durations of inhalations and exhalations, breathing rate, amount of air inhaled per breath and other parameters are very individual. Many sick people can have the following parameters of the breathing cycle (see the Figure below): inhalation (about 1.5-2 s), exhalation (1.5-2 s), no automatic pause; the depth of inhalation is about 700-1,000 ml; breathing rate is about 15-20 times per minute.

As tens of western medical studies revealed, sick people have reduced body oxygenation due to their overbreathing. A typical breath holding time of a mildly sick person is about 10-20 s, instead of 40 s, as it should be in case of normal breathing. (In order to measure body oxygenation is seconds, measure your breath holding time after usual exhalation and only until the first discomfort or without pushing yourself. The maximum breath holding time is about twice longer than the time for the test suggested here.)

Furthermore, ideal breathing pattern is only 3 breaths per minute (for unconscious breathing, e.g., at night) and that results in 3 min of oxygen in the body! More information: Ideal Breathing Pattern.

Hence, all evidence and experience show that sick people, with many common health problems, have heavy and deep breathing with reduced body oxygenation. Breathing retraining, towards the norm, gradually restores body oxygenation and eliminates symptoms of many chronic conditions.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov is a health educator. He is the author of books and the educational website devoted to natural self-oxygenation and breathing education. The website has hundreds of medical quotes, graphs, references, charts, tables, results of trials, analysis of breathing techniques, free breathing exercises, manuals, lifestyle modules and other resources for better cells oxygen levels and health. Normal Breathing defeats chronic diseases!